
Forthoseunfamiliar,theDreamWorldwasasectionofthePokémonGlobalLinkwebsiteplayerscouldconnecttousingtheircopiesofPokémon ...,IntheDreamWorld,you'llhaveaccesstothespecialIslandofDreamswhichwillallowyoutotravelseveralpotentialareas.,1.要進入PokeMonDreamWorld...點選Wi-Fi之後再點選GAMESYNC就會開始連線,然後會要你選一隻神奇寶貝睡覺,睡了之後上夢世界網站選擇PokeMonDreamWorld這個選項。,PokémonDreamWorl...

Help awaken the Pokémon Dream World!

For those unfamiliar, the Dream World was a section of the Pokémon Global Link website players could connect to using their copies of Pokémon ...

Dream World Available Pokémon & Areas

In the Dream World, you'll have access to the special Island of Dreams which will allow you to travel several potential areas.


1.要進入PokeMon Dream World ... 點選Wi-Fi之後再點選GAME SYNC就會開始連線,然後會要你選一隻神奇寶貝睡覺,睡了之後上夢世界網站選擇PokeMon Dream World這個選項。

Pokémon Dream World - Pokémon Wiki

Pokémon Dream World was an online game that could sync to the Generation V games, Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version and later

PS544 - Dream World

Having been absorbed into the Light Stone, White sees that she's bumped into N, who she believed was trapped inside the Dark Stone after Kyurem absorbed it.


寶可夢夢境世界(日文︰ポケモンドリームワールド,英文︰Pokémon Dream World,簡稱PDW)是應用於《黑/白》和《黑2/白2》中的網絡虛擬世界,2014年1月14日隨著 ...

Pokémon Global Link - Dream World Event Pokémon

Within the Dream World, you'll occassionally encounter a variety of Pokémon. These Pokémon are not typically available within the Unova region and thus are ...

Anyone else REALLY regret having never used the Dream World?

It was really fun to use your Pokemon in the dream world, and play all the little mini games and get some exclusive items, and even some Pokemon ...

Pokémon Dream World

The Dream World allowed players to send a Pokémon to the internet to obtain items and meet other Pokémon, making the website like a Generation V analog to the ... Dream Park · Pleasant Forest · Mini-games